EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil
Initial RBO training of technical inspectors
Cologne - 28-30 November 2022
In the framework of the EU LAC APP II project, the project funded by the EU and implemented by EASA in Central South America and Caribbean region, the Flight Crew Training ATO expert of EASA delivered a three-day Initial training on ATO Performance based oversight to experts of ANAC Brazil, IDAC Dominican Republic and ACSA, the Regional Safety Oversight Organisation of Central America based in Costa Rica.
This was an initial course combined with a refresher course for EASA Flight Crew Training Oversight experts, and this allowed a greater exchange of information, experience, practices between EASA and LAC experts.
The LAC experts were asked to disseminate their experience and the concepts acquired with their respective colleagues.