EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil
EU LAC APP II at European Rotors
Cologne, Germany - 8-10 November 2022
The project team was present at the EASA stand available to discuss about international cooperation related questions that could have been addressed by the visitors.
Questions from visitors from non EU states, such as Saudi Arabia and India, were received and discussed.
An expert from Costa Rica, one of the project partners, was invited to visit the congress and attend the many activities (briefings, workshops, conferences) as technical exchange between EU and Central America within the EU LAC APP project.
The project team also had the opportunity to meet some representatives from the EU industry and illustrate the international cooperation activities that EASA is implementing worldwide and more specifically the EU LAC partnership activities that are under implementation.