EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil
Marco normativo y estructura institucional y organizativa para el SSP
On line - 21 y 22 DICIEMBRE 2022
This workshop was held to improve the understanding of the regulatory framework and institutional and organisational structure for the SSP, and to see how SSP implementation has been solved in Europe and in one EU State (Spain).

The workshop was a great success, with the participation of 178 experts from the different SRVSOP states, mainly from civil aviation authorities and accident investigation authorities. Such was the success of the event that, at the opening of the workshop, the Director of the ICAO SAM Regional Office, Mr. Fabio Rabbani, wanted to take advantage of the event to address a few words to all the attendees. In his speech, Mr. Rabbani highlighted the need for collaboration between all states to improve safety, develop the SSP and improve the safety culture of service providers and civil aviation authorities.