EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil
EU LAC Aviation Partnership Project (APP) officially opened on 21 November 2022
Foz de Iguazu, Brazil - 21 November 2022
EU LAC Aviation Partnership project (APP) officially opened on 21 November 2022 in Foz de Iguazu (Brazil). The event was organised in conjunction with and with the warm cooperation of the ICAO NACC, ICAO SAM and ANAC Brazil Workshop on Cybersecurity (21 November) and on Disruptive Passengers (22 November).
The ICAO South America (SAM) and North America, Central and Caribbean (NACC) regional directors, Mr Fabio Rabbani and Mr Melvin Cintron, together with the President of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Juliano Noman and the EASA Strategy and Management director, Mr Luc Tytgat attended the event, addressing words of greeting.
The Latin America Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC/CLAC) also attended in the person of the Secretary General, Mr Jaime Binder, for the first time as project partner, after their decision to be actively involved in the project activities.
The opening event was held with a dinner at the end of the Cybersecurity Workshop organised and sponsored by the EU LAC APP project.
EASA also actively participated in the Cybersecurity workshop with the senior expert Davide Martini. He presented the ECCSA and other EU initiatives in the field of cybersecurity. The participation of EASA, facilitated by the EU LAC APP was important in the light of the recent increased cooperation between EASA and ANAC Brazil in this field, with ANAC Brazil having joined the European Strategic Coordination Platform.
On 22 November, the EU LAC APP II Project Management Board meeting was held in parallel with the workshop on disruptive passengers.
The Project Management Board is the governing body of the project from the partner side. Their members are the partner states and organisations. The main task is to review and discuss about the work plan and the implementation of the technical activities in the coming months.
All the partners showed their high commitment during the meeting.