EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation

Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil

Webinar on ATM/ANS innovation and master planning

Online - 6 October 2021 (13:30 - 16:30 UTC), 13 October 2021 (13:30 - 17:15 UTC), 20 October 2021 (13:30 - 17:45 UTC)

Within the context of the EU-LAC APP, EASA partnered with EUROCONTROL, ENAIRE, SESAR JU and European industry to provide a 3-day webinar covering how the planning and implementation of innovative ATM/ANS solutions is managed in Europe.

Many of the advantages from new services and technologies in air navigation are based on the premise of interoperability and synchronised deployment. In this sense, a coordinated approach at global, regional and national levels for the implementation of ATM/ANS improvements is essential to ensure benefits are maximised.

This workshop provided a view of international best practices and the European approach towards ATM/ANS improvements planning and implementation, and how all stakeholders work together. The following topics were covered:

  • European ATM/ANS Policy and performance management
  • The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Programme
  • The ATM Master Planning process in Europe
  • Designing new concepts – The SESAR approach
  • European coordinated deployment planning & monitoring
  • The national Air Navigation Service Provider perspective
  • The European industry perspective

This workshop took place on 6th, 13th and 20th of October 2021, starting at 13:30 UTC.

The detailed agenda can be found here.

The workshop material can be found in the following links:

​​Día 1

Día 2

Día 3