EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation

Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil

Webinar with the support of EUROCONTROL on Network Manager functions

Online - 1 - 3 June 2021 (13:30-17:00 UTC)

The workshop on the functions assigned by the European Commission to Eurocontrol as European Network Manager took place online on1-3 June 2021, with approximately 100 participants from the south and central American region.

During the workshop the following topics were covered:

  • Strategic and operations planning of the European network
  • Design of the European route network
  • Flight Plan management in Europe – IFPS
  • Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) in Europe
  • Crisis management in Europe
  • Flight Plan Management and ATFM in central America by COCESNA

The workshop provided perspectives on the benefits and potential of centralized concepts for services with a strong regional focus, such as flight plan management and ATFM, as well as best practices and lessons learned from the European experience.

The workshop material is available for download below: 

  1. Presentación de EASA sobre el proyecto EU-LAC APP y sus actividades ATM / EASA presentation on the EU-LAC APP and ATM activities
  2. Presentación de Eurocontrol introducción al Network Manager / EUROCONTROL Network Manager overview presentation
  3. Presentación de Eurocontrol sobre planificación estratégica y operativa / EUROCONTROL presentation on strategic & operations planning
  4. Presentación de Eurocontrol sobre la red de rutas europea / EUROCONTROL presentation on the route network
  5. Presentación de Eurocontrol sobre gestión de planes de vuelo / EUROCONTROL presentation on Flight Plan management
  6. Presentación de Eurocontrol sobre ATFM / EUROCONTROL presentation on ATFM
  7. Presentación de Eurocontrol sobre gestión de crisis / EUROCONTROL presentation on crisis management
  8. Presentación de COCESNA sobre gestión de planes de vuelo / COCESNA presentation on Flight Plan management
  9. Presentación de COCESNA sobre ATFM / COCESNA presentation on ATFM