EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation

Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil

EC Ramp Inspection (SAFA - Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft) Programme Workshop

Costa Rica - 5 - 8 March 2018

This specialised SAFA workshop was organised in the region for the Caribbean Civil Aviation Authorities.

The overall objective was to introduce the Ramp Inspection (SAFA/SACA) methodology of inspecting foreign and national aircraft landing in the State to the Caribbean CAA inspectors and / or managers. This is part of the so-called EC Ramp Inspection (RI) Programme.

The workshop covered:

  • Introduction to SAFA programme
  • Inspections Procedure
  • SAFA Guidance Material
  • SAFA Database
  • Inspections Management
  • Practical Analysis of Discrepancies
  • On the Job Training

Participants came from Central America and the Caribbean (Antigua & Barbuda, Belice, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras and Nicaragua) who participated very actively and showed high interest especially during OJT sessions.

The event was kindly hosted by our sister organisation ACSA (Central American Aviation Safety Agency).